Meeting called to order by President Maggie Sanders followed by Pledge Allegiance and Taps

         played by Rick Barnes.              


         Attendance:  4 Officers

                              11 Persons


        Visitors:  Lance Taylor, KF5FPD;  Al Bayer, ex W5AEB


         Minutes of October meeting read and accepted:  Mark KE5PPH, 2nd Marc, WW5TX


         Treasurer's Report presented by Jimmy T, K5JTJ.  Balance as of November 11, 2014, 2361.84.

          Motion to Accept (“MTA”)  Jerry Venable,  N5JV, 2nd Darrel KR5E




          Christmas Party December 2, 2014 at Golden Corral.  Time 1830.


          Discussion of plans for Winter Field Day to be held in January


          Fox Hunt Scheduled for Saturday November 15, meet at Lowe's parking lot at 0900.


          NEW BUSINESS


          Battleship  TEXAS (BB 35) on the air Saturday December 6, 2014 in memory of attack on

          Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941.


          QST November issue article license re-entry or how to get back into ham radio.




           John Tuttle, AB0PD made presentation on building a reflector antenna.


           MOTION TO ADJOURN;  MTA Mark, KE5PPH, 2nd Jimmy T K5JTJ