Meeting called to order by President Maggie Sanders followed by the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Visitors:  Earl Krause W5MDZ

Minutes for September meeting read by the President.  Motion to Accept:  Mark KE5PPH, 2nd Myles

Treasurers Report:  Jimmy T K5JTJ, Treasurer Balance as of October 7th $2361.84:  Motion to Accept; Marc WW5TX, 2nd Lynn KE5HTA.


Antenna Committee:  No Report

Activity Report:  Fox Hunt held September 20th.  Fox was Jimmy T K5JTJ.  6 people attended, two fox hunting rounds were held.  Winners, First Round Myles & Tex; Second Round called because of time.

Fox Hunt scheduled for November 15th.  Meet at Lowes parking lot at 0900 CST

BSA Jamboree on the Air scheduled for October 18th.

Bike Around the Bay set for October 18th.

CQ World Wide SSB Contest set for October 25 & 26.

Wings Over Houston set for November 1 & 2.


QSO Contest for PARC:  Bob K5HLZ working on Rules.

Planning Meeting will be in January 2015.

November Meeting set for November 11 due to meeting hall being used for voting.

Suggestions for Veterans Day:  Rick NC5IR may play taps.

Christmas Party set for December 2nd at Golden Corral in Pearland Meeting time is 1830.  White elephant gift exchange, $20.00 limit.  All gifts should be wrapped.  Address of the Golden Corral 9115 Broadway Pearland 77584.

Reminder Sunday night net at 2100 CST  147.220 Pl 167.9.

Program on DX Beacons in 2015

Reminder Lynn’s Repeater441.875 PL 114.8 IRLP # 999.  (Future for program)

Antenna construction party to be held in 2015.

Winter Field Day set for January 24, 2015.  Starting time 1200 EST ending 1200 EST on January 25th.

Discussion about possible Special Event Stations:  Wings Over Texas, Bolivar Ferry  TBS.

Discussion about possible club house. 

Consider donation of $200.00 to Church of Christ in appreciation for use meeting hall. Motion to Accept Mark KE5PPH 2nd Lynn KE5HTA.

Discussion concerning additional repeater pairs allocated to PARC in response to inquiry from Wayne Wright KD5QDH.  Motion to allow club officers along with Jerry Venable, Repeater Trustee, to determine current status of the PARC repeater pairs and to consider an exchange with Wayne Wright.  Accept Calvin KR5F, 2nd Darrel AA5QR

For 2015, explore the possibility of relocation the D-Star Repeater to another location where it can be linked Internet.

Stress and Distress:  Harvey Mitchell has had his chemo treatments and radiation.  Still needs prayers.K5CSB will be having back surgery.  Barbara Carter has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s; please pray for her and Darren.

Meet and Eat November 11. Casa Ole 1730 CST in Pearland across from Kroger’s on 518.

October Program presented by Bob K5HLZ History of the ARRL  100 years.

Meeting Adjourned at 2055 CST.